CS46A/B Lab Rules

  1. The lab is a required part of your course. If you fail the lab, you will fail the course.
  2. You must be present in the lab at scheduled time and stay until the lab instructor dismisses the lab. Late arrivals will result a deduction of 1 point.
  3. At the beginning of each lab, a quiz will be given. Quizzes are used to measure your understanding about your previous labs. Each quiz is worth a varying number points depending on the length of the lab. Your grade on the quiz will be available when your answers have been evaluated.
  4. At the end of the quiz, you will be asked to submit your work from previous lab (lab report). This report is worth 1 point. You won’t get the point if you submit a“fraud” report.
  5. You can't make up a lab. You won't pass the class if you miss more than 3 labs.
  6. You must bring your own laptop with at least 2GB of RAM (4GB if you run Windows). If you use Windows, make sure to have Lubuntu Virtual Machine installed. Installation instructions are here.
  7. Starting this semester, we use Eclipse IDE for Java. Eclipse is the most popular IDE for the time being, and there is a big market with various software development plugins for Eclipse. You will find this tool more convenient when working on the lab.
  8. The instructor will put you into pairs. You must cooperate with your partner in order to solve lab problems since most of them are not easy. Lab problems should be solved within lab time. Lab support outside classroom is not available.
  9. Pair assignment is random. You have the right to request for partner change if you are uncomfortable with the current one
  10. The labs are a practice in pair programming. One person is the driver and writes the code. The other person is the scribe and records the answers to the questions. You will switch roles every lab. You need practice in both roles.
  11. Do not attempt to work with a self-chosen partner. You will not receive credit for a lab in which you work with a partner that was not assigned to you.
  12. You should attempt to complete each lab, but you are not required to do so if you run out of time. You need not finish the work on your own time, but of course it would be a good idea if you did (each quiz covers all required parts of the lab in the previous week).
  13. If you and your partner are stuck, ask the lab instructor for help.
  14. Don't ask the lab instructor about the homework. The lab is not a general tutoring facility.

Lab scoring